Sunday, May 29, 2011

#47 Newborn Photography

After our boy was born we had the best of intentions of getting some professional photos taken. Unfortunately it was something (ok, one of the many things) we just never got around to & as we didn't have a decent camera at the time we have a lot of photos (& i mean a lot)  from when he was little that are nice for helping to trigger memories but in all honesty, quite woefully inadequate.

It's a mistake  that Mr N & I have both promised each other that we won't make next time.
You can't help but think about 'next time' when you see photos like the ones that Brisbane based Eva Carter Photography uploaded today...

I'm not sure what it is, but there's just something so heart melting about babies with their papas...
I don't know if it's just me, perhaps because it was something I never had? Or whether it affects everyone else the same way but it gets me every time.
It was definately much much worse when i was pregnant though.
There's that television advertisement for a well known painkiller that has a father holding his baby & there's a shot from in front of him, then from behind & you see the baby just peeking over his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck. The babies tiny hand reaches above his shoulder & it's fingers curl.
Not such an unusual sounding advertisement right?
Me? Bawling. Every. Time.

But oh... look at those perfect little baby fingers...
Just beautiful!

Next time for sure.



  1. ME too! Stuffed it up both times with the professional newborn photos!
